InLevel Up CodingbyData 4 Everyone!How to do Machine Learning With PHPIt’s easier than you think! ✨Sep 8, 20221Sep 8, 20221
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Mihailo CvetkovicManaging (Laravel) API: Performance ChecklistOr — if you’re into click baits — “11 insider secrets for making your Laravel API run like a dream”Dec 12, 2022Dec 12, 2022
SoulaimaneyhMiddleware & Rate Limiting — Make Your API’s Secure !Laravel middleware is a layer of software that sits between an application’s request and response. It provides a convenient mechanism for…Dec 10, 2022Dec 10, 2022
InCodeXbyFarhan Tanvir7 Useful PHP Libraries You Should Use in Your Next ProjectPower up your PHP developmentSep 19, 2022Sep 19, 2022
Kaushik ThakkarWhat is Laravel Octane? How to use it with Laravel?Laravel Octane is the most recent release from the Laravel Team. Through the use of Swoole/RoadRunner, it gives boost to Laravel…Nov 30, 20221Nov 30, 20221
InDev GeniusbyBalaji DharmaLaravel creates a Vue admin panel from scratch - Part 1- Installation and AuthenticationInstallation and Steps for adding a Laravel Breeze and Spatie Laravel-permission packagesJul 12, 2022Jul 12, 2022
LaravelTutsLaravel 9 Vue JS CRUD App using Vite ExampleToday, We are going to learn Laravel 9 Vue JS CRUD App using Vite Example. This tutorial will cover on laravel 9 Vue Js CRUD application…Jul 23, 2022Jul 23, 2022
Oğuzhan KARACABAYReading QR codes with Laravel and increasing the QR reading rate with image processingHello, in this article, I will talk about how we can cut a QR code from a document, how we can read the QR code in this cut section and how…Nov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
muhammadhalimdirgantaraGenerate automatic permission names from routes with spatie Laravel-permissionsIn Laravel, Laravel-Spatie is a package that is widely used as a tool for managing users, roles and permissions in the database.Oct 31, 20222Oct 31, 20222